Implementation of a system for cleaning and classification of jumbo layer eggs, aaa, aa, a, b, and c. case study: research and technological development center in Tenjo


  • Ivette Juliana Amador Quesada Author
  • Johan Andres Espitia Trujillo Author
  • Andrea Katerine Pineda Torres Author


Cleanse, classification, automation, eggs.


The university has a research and technological development center in Tenjo (CIDT), which has a poultry area in which there are approximately 600 chickens. The hens produce around 600 eggs per day, which the workers clean, classify and pack manually, which involved spending 3 hours a day for these processes. Cleaning is a fundamental process since it allows to eliminate the bacteria from the surface, this procedure requires patience and care on the egg since it could break. From the objective, the degree project is developed to obtain the title of Mechatronic Engineers of the Agrarian University Foundation of Colombia, focused on rural development and entrepreneurship of products from the family basket through the application of knowledge from the areas of mechanics, electronics, computational design, and control systems.





Research Articles

How to Cite

Implementation of a system for cleaning and classification of jumbo layer eggs, aaa, aa, a, b, and c. case study: research and technological development center in Tenjo . (2019). Revista Ciencia Y Tecnología Para La Salud Visual Y Ocular, 5(1), 49-68.