Lighting control system for grow rooms


  • Gustavo Alberto Ríos Cortes Author
  • Santiago Sánchez Escobar Author
  • Rubén Darío Cárdenas Espinosa Author


Lighting control system, prototype, automation, microcontrollers, vegetable, tecnoparque.


The current project aims to design and develop a lighting control system prototype with which the separate programming of each of the grow lights will be setup. This project intends to meet the crops needs that require to be exposed to light for certain periods of time for their maintenance, which may vary depending on each sown field conditions. The current illumination devices are manual; this means that the periods of time in which the lights have to be turned on must be monitored by the users due to the fact that such lights’ temporizers are mechanical. Owing to this lack of control in the illumination, the results expected are not met and some specific procedures in the studies on seedlings are delayed. This is an empirical research; its methodology is empirical-descriptive performed by an analytical-transversal study and as a part of the development project of the program TecnoParque Nodo Manizales in the line of research of Electronics and Communication. With this project, it is intended to develop some machinery in order to automate the timing of turning on and off of each of the lights, setting up such timings throughout a user-friendly interface operated by a keyboard and a display to make possible to observe the data uploaded on it.




