Effectiveness of visp, nback and hibit-r computerized programs in a cognitive training for people with mci


  • Ana María Salazar Author
  • Fidel Mauricio Bonilla. P. Author
  • Laura Vanessa Maldonado A. Author
  • Rosa Mariana Rojas Author


Mild cognitive impairment, older adult, computerized cognitive stimulation, memory, attention.


In recent years Colombia and the world experience a demographic transition, where it is expected that by 2050 the population of older adults will triple, as well as the physical and mental diseases typical of this stage of life, including deterioration mild cognitive (MCI), considered a pre-demented stage, is one of the conditions with the highest prevalence. Prevention interventions are required to mitigate the impact of this condition. The present investigation seeks to test the effectiveness of computerized cognitive stimulation programs VISP visuospatial memory, N-BACK for semantic work memory, and HIBIT R for attention and inhibitory control; in people over 60 years old in the city of Bogotá. It consists of an exploratory quasiexperimental study with pre- and postintervention measurements; The group of participants will be composed of 30 subjects with a diagnosis of MCI under the DSM V criteria, for the diagnostic establishment the Neuropsi battery and the Barthel test will be used. The subjects are expected to improve their attention and memory capacities.





Research Articles

How to Cite

Effectiveness of visp, nback and hibit-r computerized programs in a cognitive training for people with mci . (2018). Revista Ciencia Y Tecnología Para La Salud Visual Y Ocular, 4(1), 79-89. https://revistas.infotegra.com/index.php/CTSVO/article/view/88