Evaluation of a chlorinated disinfectant from bio-microbiological indicators


  • Luz Anggie Velásquez G. Author


Antimicrobial Capacity, Oxidizing Agent, Membrane Filtration.


The evaluation of a chlorinated disinfectant will be carried out by microbiological analysis in a sample of artificial water infected with a known concentration of Escherichia coli sp, where the removal capacity that this oxidizing agent can reach will be determined, in order to do this, the membrane filtration technique will be used, then the plate count will be used to count the resulting colony forming units (CFU) once the filters through which the artificial water passed have been seeded, additionally, it is required to determine the optimum disinfectant concentration and the minimum time required to carry out the disinfection, the purpose of this research is to contribute to the existing methods for the treatment of water by obtaining an oxidizing agent from economic raw materials, it should be noted that further research is required to be able to guarantee the oxidizing agent obtained as a water disinfectant.





Research Articles

How to Cite

Evaluation of a chlorinated disinfectant from bio-microbiological indicators . (2017). Revista Ciencia Y Tecnología Para La Salud Visual Y Ocular, 2(1), 33-38. https://revistas.infotegra.com/index.php/CTSVO/article/view/77