Analysis about interaction between society and the conservation of wild species: a review


  • Daniela Amézquita Barrera Author
  • Bryan Huertas Peralta Author
  • Sarah Suárez La Rotta Author
  • Juan Ruiz Urquijo Author


Wildlife, conservation, environment, society, exotic species, literature review.


Since the 19th century to the present (2021), awareness of the understanding of otherness in society-nature interactions and the particularities that this type of relationship demands is increasing. The objective of this research work is through the analysis of bibliographic references through a narrative and systematic resection to evaluate the interaction between these two species has been beneficial or the opposite; as well as measures that humans must take to mitigate negative impacts on wild and exotic animals. The work of monitoring the available literature is carried out with a research protocol of sequential steps. From the implementation of the latter, the evidence that expresses the variety of examples in the literature is described. Within the methodology used to obtain this information, tools such as: Science-Direct Topics, Scopus, Elsevier, and Mendeley like as bibliographic reference tool were taken into account; For this article, the history, the importance of the reference articles, the filters are taken into account, everything to make this review article as clear as possible.




