Bovine productivity in productive units, vereda San Rafael, Facatativá, Cundinamarca


  • Fabio Orlando Cruz Páez Author
  • Gabriela Suesca Castillo Author
  • Daniela Benítez Garzón Author
  • María Isabel Hernández Bello Author
  • Leidy Viviana González-Díaz Author


Bovine feeding, agricultural commercialization, bovine production.


This document shows through research the empirical actions carried out by livestock producers of bovine production units in the San Rafael Vereda, Facatativá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. The research is quantitative with a transectional and field approach, the scope is descriptive and the structured survey research instrument was applied at the village level to 11 farm managers between September and October 2019, the strategic variables investigated were bovine feeding, bovine production and agricultural marketing, it was appreciated that the units at present are managed with empirical practices and free feeding methods and minimally stabled and semi-stabled, where they can continuously improve dairy, meat and dual purpose productivity, the marketing of products made with means of transport that in the majority is their own, training and promoting the implementation of techniques and methods of livestock production and the application of good livestock practices.




