What do young people prioritize to achieve sustainable development? An exercise of the Pilot University of Colombia in the framework of the beginning of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda


  • Ángela Higuera Author
  • Lina María Florez Ramírez Author


Prioritization, development, socialization, integration, comparison.


As part of the approval of the new agenda 2030, the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the University Pilot of Colombia organized the event “Foro de la Sostenibilidad”. Event aimed to present results of the Millennium Development Goals - MDGs and their transition to Sustainable Development Goals – SDG’s - where a survey was conducted to attendees about 17 SDG’s would prioritize , in order to know the pint of view of young people on the issue. In Colombia, through the Global Survey of the United Nations, My World, It was possible to capture the opinion, the priorities and views of 45,479 citizens; among these priorities highlights the importance of a good education for development, better health care, better job opportunities and the need for an honest and responsive government. On the other hand “Professor Jeffrey Sachs, renowned advocate and activist of the SDG’s, has suggested that 8 of the 17 goals are particularly relevant to Colombia in the first phase of implementation.” (PNUD Colombia, 2015b). This document aims to establish a parallel between the SDG’s prioritized by the university students attending the event “Foro de la Sostenibilidad”, the prioritization of Colombians in the survey My World and the objectives mentioned by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, With the purpose of identify training needs for young people in recognition of Agenda 2030 and the ODS.




